Agreement in restraint of trade refers to an agreement between businesses or individuals that restricts competitors from entering or engaging in a particular market. Typically, such agreements are in violation of antitrust laws since they harm competition and limit consumer choice. In this article, we`ll discuss some examples of agreement in restraint of trade.

Price Fixing Agreements:

Price fixing occurs when businesses collude and agree on fixed prices for products. By doing so, they eliminate competition and create a monopoly that allows them to charge higher prices. This restricts new competitors from entering the market and creating an open and competitive environment. In the long run, the consumers are the ones who suffer as they have to pay more for the products or services.

Exclusive Dealing Agreements:

Exclusive dealing agreements take place when a company agrees to work only with a specific supplier or distributor for their entire supply chain. In doing so, the company limits competition by closing off their market to other suppliers and distributors. This restriction can impact the pricing of products, as the prices of the products may be higher due to the lack of competition.

Tying Agreements:

Tying is a practice that involves selling one product only in conjunction with another product. The tying product is usually a popular product that the customer wants, while the tied product is something that the company wants to sell. By doing so, the company can use its market power to force customers to buy products they wouldn`t have bought otherwise. This can restrict the customer`s choice and limit the competition`s ability to offer other products.

Non-Compete Agreements:

A non-compete agreement is a contract between an employee and employer that restricts the employee from working for a direct competitor after leaving their current job. These agreements can be considered a restraint of trade because they restrict the employee`s ability to use and share their skills and knowledge with other firms. These agreements limit competition as the employee cannot work for a competitor, which can lead to a lack of innovation.


Agreements in restraint of trade are anticompetitive and harm the marketplace. Such agreements are typically in violation of antitrust laws that aim to protect competition and allow consumers to have the freedom to choose among different products and services. Businesses should avoid making agreements that can limit competition, and it`s essential to understand the legal implications that come with such agreements.