The HSAA Collective Agreement 2018 for Alberta Health Services (AHS) is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for healthcare workers in the province. This agreement, negotiated between the Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) and AHS, covers a wide range of topics, from salaries and benefits to job security and working conditions.

One of the key features of the HSAA Collective Agreement 2018 is the wage increases for healthcare workers. According to the agreement, workers will receive a 2% increase in salary in each of the four years covered by the agreement. This increase is in addition to any annual cost-of-living increases that may be granted.

In addition to wage increases, the HSAA Collective Agreement 2018 also contains provisions related to job security and working conditions. For example, it outlines the process for layoff and recall of employees, as well as the procedures for handling grievances and disputes. It also includes language related to scheduling and overtime, ensuring that healthcare workers are fairly compensated for any additional time they work.

The HSAA Collective Agreement 2018 also addresses issues related to health and safety in the workplace. It outlines the responsibilities of both AHS and healthcare workers for maintaining a safe work environment, including providing appropriate training and equipment. It also includes provisions related to workplace violence and harassment, ensuring that healthcare workers are protected from these types of threats.

Overall, the HSAA Collective Agreement 2018 is a comprehensive document that provides important protections and benefits to healthcare workers in Alberta. Whether you are a nurse, lab technologist, or any other type of healthcare worker, this agreement plays a vital role in ensuring that you are fairly compensated and treated with respect in the workplace.